Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day #10 - Love is unconditional

There was a time when my husband and I were on the path to divorce. We just couldn’t see how we would ever work out our differences. I prayed to God that I didn’t love my husband so if the Lord wanted me to stay with him then God would need to help me. What I was really saying was God needed to change him. What a mistake! God convicted me so that I changed and I began to see how God loves me no matter what.

Fortunately, my husband and I recommitted our lives to our marriage and I’m so glad we did. Even so I need to remember to show unconditional love. My husband is extremely messy. His counter in the bathroom is always piled high with the remnants of his pockets, mail, shampoo, receipts, etc. He knows how frustrated I get with the mess but it’s tough to know what needs to be kept and what needs to be tossed.

I could buy him gifts, I could make him an exotic meal, or I could take him on a dream vacation but nothing shows unconditional love to my husband than for me to take time to clean off that counter. Whew! I must really love him.

1 comment:

vikingchik said...

why should you clean off the counter? It's his mess, and if he respected your standards of cleanliness,he would keep it clean.