Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day #13 - Love fights fair

Whew! An easier dare, only because we had to establish rules a long time ago. We started our marriage with the idea that we would never go to sleep angry and for the most part we’ve kept that rule but it didn’t stop us from making our fights more intense. Our fights use to be very loud and very fierce. It was a matter of survival to change how we fought.

Our rules are very similar to the rules in the Love Dare book but they work for us.
1. Never say never and never say always.
2. Make sure you are straightforward about what the issue is.
3. Don’t hold it in until it explodes.

My personal rules are as simple: I’m not going to make my husband think like I do so don’t try to change him. Instead I tell him directly what I’m upset about and what I need him to do. I also try not to shout but I’m not always good at keeping that one.

As long as we live, my husband and I will have disagreements but that’s what makes life interesting. It isn’t a “you won, I lost” battle but a way of expressing our differences. When you love your spouse you celebrate the compromises.

1 comment:

jujube said...

This dare when i sat down and thalked with my husband i gave him myside and what i thought i just took a deep breath and tolded him how i felt we willour ups and downs but i gave us only trhee things so far that we could fight about and we agree on those three things, and that we do what ever it takes to make it work