Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day #11 - Love cherishes

This dare was a tough one. My husband’s work environment is very stressful. After a bad day at work he came home and immediately got upset with me over something I had done. Of course I was hurt so it made it hard to “cherish him”. I didn’t give up and had to remember what it felt like to be in a difficult situation. I tried to put aside how I felt to see how he was struggling. The tears for me passed and I began to see his pain.

It took some time to think of something that would show him how I cherish him. I figured out the perfect gift… chocolate. Don’t most problems look better after a medicinal piece of chocolate? I purchased peanut clusters and dark chocolate covered cashews. I put them in a box covered with hearts. I delivered the box to his office!

What a surprise for him. I added a card that explained how I loved him and understood how he was having a hard time. He said it made his whole day. I could feel his mood change. He even promised to bring some chocolate home for me.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Hi! I'm on Day 1 Debbie. I've been seperated from my wife for 5 years, we have become friends in the last few months..
Your Day #11 chocolate story brought tears to my eyes. This gives me hope. Thank you