Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day #7 - Love believes the best

I think this was one of the easier dares. Not because I got a chance to write down my husband's faults but because we had just had a conversation about each other's strengths. Most of the time we communicate very well but we ran into a road bump with our teen aged daughter. My husband had different ideas from mine at how to approach the problem. By looking at each other's strengths we were able to come up with a solution that worked for both of us. But that's another story.

I sat down with my two sheets of paper and started with the strengths. Before I was finished I had 8 strengths listed. It was easy and quick. Then I moved to the negatives. I think I wanted to start with the strengths so that I could remember them as I thought about the negatives. I came up with 5 negatives. Call me an optimist but I would rather concentrate on the positives.

My husband would not be surprised by anything I listed on the negatives but I am more curious what my husband would write about me. Doesn't really matter since we've talked about these issues before. Oh, by the way, I told my husband that I most thanked him for loving me.

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