Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day #8 - Love is not jealous

Jealousy was something my husband and I struggled with when I worked for a major corporation. I constantly felt we were competing with each other over who had the most important job. It took a long time for me to figure out that I threatened my husband’s idea of who was head of the house.

I gave the situation over to God to help me sort out what I should do. The Lord answers prayer in ways we don’t always understand. My company sold and I was laid off! It was very hard on me because I liked to work and I had an impressive position. It wasn’t until recently that I figured out what God had planned for the two of us.

Was it hard to destroy the list of negative attributes? No way. It was easy when I remembered the past struggles and how God intervened. My husband was just told his job was eliminated but because of our love for each other we could share the news and make plans for how to survive the loss of his job. Fortunately, as usual, God has a way of taking care of us so my husband found out that he has another position waiting for him at the same company.


Who am I said...

Hey, I just wanted to encourage you that I enjoy your posts, and even though some are days apart, I would encourage you to keep going.

Never a bad day to focus on loving your spouse.

Carla T. said...

Where'd you go? I am inspired by reading your posts. Please let us know how it is going for you.